Articles by Alexandria Kincaid

Articles by Alexandria Kincaid

Alexandria Kincaid is a nationally renowned author and speaker.

She has appeared in numerous magazines, newspapers, and online articles, and she is a regular contributor to RECOIL Magazine, Concealment Magazine, the American Shooting Journal and

Below are a few examples of her articles.

We Deserve Better Stand Your Ground Laws (RECOIL)

If you miss the opportunity to implement your situational-awareness training and avoid a fight, your options for survival become extremely…

The Hearing Protection Act of 2017 (in RECOIL magazine)

  Making the Dream a Reality If you’ve ever legally bought or built a suppressor, you’ve shared the pain of…

Laws for Traveling with a Gun (in Concealment Magazine)

Concealed carry laws can very quickly make criminals out of otherwise law-abiding citizens. It can be difficult enough to understand…